Monday, December 8, 2008

First Snow Fall

It finally snowed! It has felt pretty weird to going to christmas concerts and there is no snow on the ground. Especially when I performed in Chirstmas in the snow. It really does not feel like christmas is coming unless there is snow on the ground. But now the snow is here and christmas can come!
(Oh and of course this snow was celebrated with a snowball fight)

Monday, December 1, 2008

The beauty of the Temple

I had many firsts this Thanksgiving weekend. The greates first was getting to go through the temple. The Temple is a beautiful place and you don't really get to see and appriciate its beauty till you get to go through a session. I'm grateful and happy that I got to go and especially grateful that so many of my family was there to celebrate the occasion with me!

The coveted parking spot

For those of you who do not know, the parking lot for my complex is tiny. If you don't get one of the few right next to the apt you end up parking far away. Well, my apt is right next to the managers and they get 2 assigned parking spots. This leaves only 2 right in front of my apt. The coveted parking spot is the one right next to the managers spot, right in front of my apt door.
Some how this semester I have managed to get this blessed spot many times. I had one week when I left multiple times and the spot was always still available (even after being gone for more than an hour). Well, somehow I got it again! When I pulled in the parking lot from the glorious week long Thanksgiving break, it was so full that I just knew that I would end up parking far away. But then I got around the corner and there it was! The glorious parking spot empty in a sea of cars! I am grateful for many things, and right now that spot is towards the top of the list!

Turkey Weekend

One of many highlights this Thanksgiving Weekend happened the Saturday before Thanksgiving. To celebrate Jared's birthday we went bowling. For the first time in my life I bowled a Turkey (or 3 strikes in a row for those of you who don't know)! This also let me go over 100 for the 3rd time in a year. I also beat Jared who turned around and slaughtered me in the next game by getting over 200. But I am proud of my turkey and can't wait to do it again!